内容发布提示(Content publishing tips)

发表于 2023-11-22 16:14:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 |7 p; V: p9 j$ `3 `
/ B2 K* Z; ^! c7 M1、发布主题不需要审核,可以直接发布。
/ m6 s# I( f' d% y! R( L; I* T
4 b5 R' ~8 x. |% P2、可以发布锚文本链接。* J1 \$ W' e3 }* K; b+ u+ T: K6 N

1 T( A  |2 Z9 o9 J8 t& Z3、可以匿名发帖。( g% ?' m- x9 N8 f/ V5 }. v$ t

" ?7 s: O0 I8 \, m2 s/ F4、有更多在首页展示的机会。
" l9 F% B5 v- O
* D" e6 o* A4 q# |, [5、可以发布特殊主题。# q' r7 e' J8 b( `0 K' }/ k

/ e& {; N/ A0 Z6 i. D但是,发布的内容不得涉及违法、暴力、色情、赌博、政治等问题。如果发布了不当内容,管理员有权删除内容!  C4 I# i& u& g6 ~

: b  s- ?9 x/ H2 @发布内容时,需要在有发布权限的分区进行发布,其他分区无权发布内容。
8 p% w" s- \7 x2 u6 s! O# g3 w1 T( m+ G0 B8 J0 E
% M" {1 X/ _+ s2 T% s/ a$ q# x0 a5 Z

+ L( N7 x1 ~) L4 w: W2 y# E* qXiMenFeiXue blog is a forum website that specializes in publishing external links,Divided into VIP member posting area and non VIP member posting area.VIP members have the following privileges when posting:; ]) I: Y# R. h; G3 u

/ R1 T# }0 E8 w! d; R) F1. The publishing theme does not require review and can be directly published.: E  m1 s, D) F9 U+ w( S6 P7 W! j6 s

+ u" n+ P" i5 E) Z0 M2. Anchor text links can be published.4 F# R( V* o, P& ]" e: r) y( D

6 D5 m5 t: c! l% R9 Z3. You can anonymously post.& u3 T; @% V5 L7 X; y
  Q5 H: ]3 L) l
4. There are more opportunities to showcase on the homepage.
4 W9 y7 M, O& x
" ]0 L" i3 C$ Z& g5. Special themes can be posted.
( U3 x: x* m5 i# U( z3 m. x  f- m. f2 p+ d
But the content published shall not involve illegal, violent, pornographic, gambling, political or other issues.If inappropriate content is published, the administrator has the right to delete the content!
* f1 J& ?+ B# u0 D; ?  i3 u
8 c3 N4 E9 V& G. U2 \6 ~5 IWhen publishing content, it is necessary to publish in a partition with publishing permissions,Other partitions are not authorized to publish content.
* L" z7 y# n1 z4 B& i9 E
7 b. ^9 E; q* Q0 K; MThe deadline for becoming a VIP member can be freely chosen,At least 7 days, no upper limit, can be renewed upon expiration.; C  a- n: g; x5 `0 o. v
' o1 J2 p! E* q, e, k

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